Holiday Prep!

I love the Holidays even though every moment seems to be wrapped up in self-inflicted over scheduling...making plans with friends, obsessing over what to wear to a party, cooking, shopping...the list keeps going!! Time to breathe!

Sometime over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend I start getting my ideas together. I like to find inspiration in recipes and window shopping, and it helps me organize and plan so I can also find time to enjoy the Season without getting stressed out.

A couple weeks ago I was practicing one of my favorite winter cookies, ginger molasses. Everyone has their favorites, and a couple certain someones I know definitely gravitate to this one. I bet they have no idea that the secret to this slightly spicey, gooey cookie is a little pinch of white pepper. It's a little like adding coffee to something chocolate, or adding a little chocolate to a rich tomato sauce. Kitchen secrets!

Click for recipe.


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